Reviewed Links

International Links and Resources

World Health Organization
The World Health Organization has a wealth of material on tropical diseases from fact sheets to guidelines to training programs.

World Health Organization (WHO), Weekly Epidemiological Record
The World Health Organization publishes a very useful journal entitled “Weekly Epidemiological Record” on line. It is a very useful resource containing a number of articles relevant to tropical medicine.

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
The Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report is a very useful journal published by the CDC (USA). It is medline indexed and has a number of articles relevant to tropical medicine.

World Bank

The Malaria Consortium
The Malaria Consortium is a leading international organisation of multi-disciplinary experts working to reduce the global burden of malaria.

The Global Alliance to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis
The Global Alliance to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis, for which WHO serves as the secretariat, is a free, non-restrictive partnership forum for
the exchange of ideas and coordination of activities, with membership open to all interested parties. Its functions includes sharing of information on progress and challenges, coordination of activities, fund-raising and advocacy.

Dermatology Image database
This dermatology image database has been recommended by one of the students at James Cook University.

Global Snake Bite Initiative
A Project of the International Society on Toxinology – This important project is the first major undertaking resulting from the Global Issues
in Clinical Toxinology Conference, which was held in Melbourne, Australia, in November 2008. “Snake bite attacks are particularly
vulnerable to impoverished group of people, these are the rural dwellers in tropical developing countries, farmers, pasteurists, herders, and
their children. 40{6ae1c5e3a99465defaad05f5d55a6c0be01cc1d3e7e48c24a23cc5d988593c9a} of all snakebite victims are children less than the age of about 12 to 14.”

Australasian Links and Resources

Immunise Australia
The Immunise Australia www-site is the first point of contact for obtaining materials and documents relevant to immunisation programs and
guidelines in Australia. International students should visit equivalent www-sites in their country to see if information is available relevant
to their country.

Communicable Diseases Australia
Communicable Diseases Australia is hosted by the Commonwealth Health Department in Australia. There are a number of useful resources here, including the periodical Communicable Diseases Intelligence, which examines notifiable diseases and issues related to disease outbreaks.

Manual of Use and Interpretation of Pathology Tests: Third Edition
This revised, third edition of the Manual of Use and Interpretation of Pathology Tests has been a project for the Board of Education of the
Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia, aiming to produce a comprehensive manual to guide clinical staff in the selection of
appropriate pathology investigations and to assist them in the interpretation of pathology results.

Malaria: An online resource
The malaria educational site from Royal Perth Hospital, is now available in French, English and Spanish. The site contains sections on Diagnosis, Prophylaxis, Treatment and History as well as an innovative interactive “Test & Teach” self assessment module. It is an ideal site for
Clinicians, Scientists, Healthcare Professionals and Students. The MK IV version of a trilingual (English/Spanish/French) CD-ROM with the same content as the web site is now ready for distribution (free) to institutions without, or with only limited internet access. (The CD-ROM
is now being used by medical/educational institutions in 126 countries). Contact: Graham Icke, A/Principal Scientist, Division of Laboratory Medicine Royal Perth Hospital, Wellington St., Perth, Western Australia 6000 E-Mail:

Tropical Public Health Unit Network, Queensland Health
The Tropical Public Health Unit Network has the following roles: Develop, coordinate and support public health interventions for priority health
issues of statewide and local significance. Undertake health surveillance including the collation, analysis, monitoring and distribution of information on health status and disease trends to Health Service Districts and other relevant organisations. Coordinate disease control initiatives across the zone, including response to and notification of disease outbreaks. Undertake environmental health surveillance, implementation of legislation, policy and programs. Provide specialist public health advice and develop the capacity of health services, other sectors and the community to collaboratively plan and implement effective public health programs. Implement appropriate public health legislation.

Australian Indigenous Health InfoNet
The site is a dynamic, evolving resource which makes published, unpublished and specially-developed material about Indigenous health freely
accessible to policy makers, service providers, researchers, students and the general community. By making this material accessible to people
involved in the area of Indigenous health, it should greatly enhance their knowledge, skills and performance. For students and the general
community, the information accessible via this site will improve their understanding of Indigenous health and related areas.

Australian Prescriber
Australian Prescriber is an independent publication providing readily accessible information about drugs and therapeutics. It covers topics assisting doctors, dentists, pharmacists and students. This site provides full text versions of the publication with a search facility.

Major International Networks

International Society of Travel Medicine
The ISTM, with 1,800 members in 53 countries, is the largest organization of professionals dedicated to the advancement of the specialty of travel
medicine. Members include physicians, nurses and public health professionals from academia, government and the private sector.

International Federation for Tropical Medicine
The International Federation for Tropical Medicine is an organizational network of tropical medicine and related professional bodies. One of its
principal activities has been the support for the series of International Congresses for Tropical Medicine and Malaria.

Regional Professional Organisations

The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene was founded in 1907 and has a number of Australian Members. It has a number of publications and opportunities for its members, who are referred to as Fellows.

American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene has a few Australian members. The Society publishes a journal and conducts a Certification examination in tropical medicine and traveler’s health.

Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine – Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical
While the website is in Brazilian Portugese, the Sociey is active, reputable and the site contains many valuable links to information and research.
If all else fails and you cannot read Portugese then Google translate provides basic access.

Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene
Elsevier (the publishing house) now produce the Transactions. Individual articles can be purchased online as well as journal subscriptions. Links
for online article submissions.

Prince Leopold Institute of Tropical Medicine – Library and Links
The institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp – The librarians here have compiled some truly impressive lists of links – if you have not found
what you want elsewhere you may be able to find a link to it here – to some extent the comprehensive nature of these pages may make browsing a
little time consuming.

The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
This links to the Societies links page – this tends to focus mainly on USA links – From here you can also browse back through the other pages of
the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

PID Web (Paediatric Infectious Disease WEB)
Paediatric Infectious Diseases Web (PID Web) provides information, links and other resources for doctors and scientists with a special interest in
Paediatric Infectious Diseases, Paediatric Immunology, Tropical Medicine and Molecular Biology. Fairly heavy on the graphics – be wary of
opening this link if you are on a slow dial-up link.

Instit Fur Vergleichende und Parasitologie (Munich, Germany)
Whilst this site is in German, but if you don’t read German you can use one of the translation sites (e.g search for the page in Google and click the
“translate” option.

Tropical Medicine Societies

Spanish Society of Tropical Medicine and International Health

Resource Lecture on One Health by Rick Speare

 This lecture was presented at the 10th Anniversary Animal Management in Rural and Remote Indigenous Communities (AMRRIC) Conference “One health-Indigenous Community Animal Management” 23-29 September 2014, Darwin, NT, Australia


Topic: “One Health: It’s not just about zoonotic diseases”

Presenter: Emeritus Professor Rick Speare, AM


PARASITES AND THEIR VECTORS – A Special Focus on South East Asia